February 23, 2025

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Tehran Times – ATHENS, AEK Athens football club has shown interest in signing of Panionios Iranian striker Karim Ansarifard, according to NovaSports.

Ansarifard, who scored 8 goals in 26 appearances for Panionios so far, has still one year left on his contract with the club.

AEK is currently in second place of Greek Super League while Panionios is 5th. AEK has more chances to qualify for the European competitions.

Ansarifard had a poor spell in Spain with Osasuna but he managed to retain his top form in this season’s Greek Super League with Panionios.

Ansarifard’s goal in the 28th week of Greek Super League won the Best Goal Award.

Former Persepolis and Osasuna striker has 50 caps for Iran scoring 10 goals.