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Training young coaches in Iran ...

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    Training young coaches in Iran ...

    i beleive iran has a lack of decent coaches,

    our nutritional knowledge is weak
    our strength and fitness knowledge is weak

    we have few decent goalkeeping coaches,

    i think the introduction on ghotbi to iranian football is vital, the knowledge he has is essential. i hope he stays in iran for many years to come


      Thanx DD Jaan.....
      there two types of candidates...
      1-Ex-players,who are so fool of themseleves, that do not attend such classes, and they think they know it all.
      2-Non-ex players, who do not have suffiecient baseic knowledge.

      although,the secound types usually make better coaches.


        There are quite a few of coaching classes in Iran on an ongoing bases in Iran. Marfavi will go for a one month coaching classes. There are numerous Asia B and C and a few AFC A license coaching classes held in Iran, Mohases is teaching many of these classses.

        While the coaching issue needs to be improved in Iran no doubt, I think an issue that is less noticed by football fans is professionla club management that is totally lacking.

        Our big club manager in Iran Fattollah Zadeh, Kashani right now, all they are doing is using their relationship with government to get more money for the respective clubs.
        While this is part of the job, but it must be a very small part. Club managers needs to plan a long term plan, develope youth programs, create new financial sources, work on the building the stadium, lobby the parliment to change the laws on TV broadcast and Copy right laws, create paid fan clubs, lobby for concession rights in the stadium and work on Marketing. When the club has money and self sufficient then hiring a quality coach won't be as difficult.

        Did you hear Nike signed a contract with Korean football federation for 3 years or something for 55 million dollars. I don't expcet anything like this for Iran, until these guys are in power, but why our clubs and our federation for that matterr shouldn't be chasing these kidn fo money?
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          1- ali jan, I know about those other classes held in Iran.
          but they are not of tis quality and not as comprehensive.

          I guess this comes at the back of AFC's initiative to improve asian standards ( god know asia needs it. especially in refereeing ! ) and these classes are very different from those seldom held routine classes.

          2- you are absolutely right on the need for professional management in our fotoball.
          and the rest of those issues to create a modern and organized football.
          each one of those points could be a whole topic for discussion though.


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

            I guess this comes at the back of AFC's initiative to improve asian standards ( god know asia needs it. especially in refereeing ! ) and these classes are very different from those seldom held routine classes.

            VERY MUCH SO!!!!

            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              Originally posted by Libertine View Post
              i beleive iran has a lack of decent coaches,
              our nutritional knowledge is weak
              our strength and fitness knowledge is weak
              we have few decent goalkeeping coaches,
              i think the introduction on ghotbi to iranian football is vital, the knowledge he has is essential. i hope he stays in iran for many years to come
              I agree with all or most of the above, but what's the solution? Or maybe we are just fundamentally sup-bar and that can never be helped. I have developed this inferiority complex, constantly comparing myself to the other nationalities.



                we over rate ourselves that is the problem

                iran is on par with eastern block countries and new eu countries and south america

                our level of profesionalism/quality/teams stadia is level with that of romania, bulgaria, venuzuela, chile, belarus, estonia, slovakia etc etc

                however in our favour our potential is 200% of theres. iran has a vast amount of talent and potential in terms of money, spectators, size etc etc but this potential hasnt been exploited or developed yet

