Dear members,
With approval of Webmaster (Kamran Jaan), i'm going to inverview the 3 players active in The Netherlands as one article.
The first will be AliReza, second wil be Agil Etemadi and last but not least, Gucci!
AliReza interview is next week, so in need all of your attention please!
CAN YOU AS MEMBERS of this great website come up with question(s) you would like me to ask AliReza?
I can't use all the questions, but i promise to use as many possible!
SO PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK HERE, thanks in advance!
With approval of Webmaster (Kamran Jaan), i'm going to inverview the 3 players active in The Netherlands as one article.
The first will be AliReza, second wil be Agil Etemadi and last but not least, Gucci!
AliReza interview is next week, so in need all of your attention please!
CAN YOU AS MEMBERS of this great website come up with question(s) you would like me to ask AliReza?
I can't use all the questions, but i promise to use as many possible!
SO PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK HERE, thanks in advance!