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Khiabani is a national treasure

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    Originally posted by golffan View Post
    Some of the posts and topics you guys make is unbelievable as if you have closed your eyes to what is happening in your country.
    Khiabani is disaster as a sport commentator. I always turn the volume off when he gets to be the commentator.
    He is aweful.
    He is also Hezbollahi. That is why he has survived so many years.
    It is a disgrace to the Iranian nation to call him a national treasure. He is a national disgrace rather.
    We have become a nation that has been disgraced on every front. That is why mass murderers like Ahmadinejad are known as clowns, and propagandists like Khiabani (remember he was on frontlines bashing CQ with his crocodile tears) are considered as national treasures or comedic relief.
    "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


      Originally posted by taremiscores View Post
      We have become a nation that has been disgraced on every front. That is why mass murderers like Ahmadinejad are known as clowns, and propagandists like Khiabani (remember he was on frontlines bashing CQ with his crocodile tears) are considered as national treasures or comedic relief.


        Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
        Khaak to saresh.

        What does the fact they don't have "naan to eat" have to do with Carlos Queiroz - a man who paid out of his own pocket to ensure our boys got the basics. That's the regime's fault - criticize all the money they steal then if you care about that. Again, propagandists like Khiabani have been able to persevere in IR because he is a professional liar and does his masters' bidding.
        "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


          I don't understand this thread. Are we also going to open one for Misaghi too?

          Khak too sareshoon for their words and behaviour towards people who did so much for our football




              Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
              I don't understand this thread. Are we also going to open one for Misaghi too?

              Khak too sareshoon for their words and behaviour towards people who did so much for our football
              In ham yek harfe manteghi ast.

              Agar bekhaahim baraye har KHAAYEHMAALE Jomhoorie Eslaami yek mozo' baaz konim forume Persianfootbaal MONFAJER MISHE.

              In mardak agar daare footbaal gozaaresh mide baraye ine ke yek chaaploose hezbollahi ast.

              Agar na kaaresh KALLE PAACHE forookhtan bood.


                Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post

                Ridan ham yek hadd o marzi daare. Ye kesi ye tak-zangi bezane be in haajie shie bege basse.
                DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                  The only education One needs is rhetorics, sports. Being educated is not an argument.

                  Our praise of education is commendable, but sometimes misguided. As a culture and nation so to speak


                    to be sure: Meritocracy has its own limits and problems, some of Them quite serious. But the complete lack of regards of merits is disastrous!

                    This guy is not THE best Iran can come Up with. If he is so fantastic this is also a non existing problem as he may move to a field he is better suited for. Society Will profit from it, so to Will aghaye khiabani and the iranian public


                      Khiabani loves his country and iranian football, he is not the best commentator worldwide but still a good one for iran.

                      Dont like this thread, why so mich hate ?




                          Originally posted by Kavian View Post
                          If Khiabani is a national treasure, then KHAK TU SAR E OON MAMLEKATI KE Khiabani NATION TRESURE -EH BASHEH!!

                          I read some real funny jokes here;

                          1. He's highly educated too, multiple degrees -->>> Yes, you can tell by the way he speaks! Education is coming out of his ears! .. What is his multiple degrees in???

                          2. He is a genius, he has couple of doctorate degrees, one masters, and two bachelors degree, He does Football commentary for his love of Football. ----->>> can someone tell this guy to please take your love of football somewhere else ... go back to the academic world where you obtained so many doctorate, masters and bachelors degrees. There are people out there, who are waiting for you to start teaching at major universities so that they learn from you.

                          3. he is a real Iranian nationalist ----->> what is the definition of "nationalist"? ... A bacheh akkound who once a while speaks like he really care about Iran. This guy is disgrace to all nationalists.

                          4. He's the only major IRIB staff who was in the 2009 protests. He's not a hezzi ---->- Come on!, every intelligent person knows that in order to last long in IR establishment you got to be one of them or be very good at polishing balls! He is both!

                          5. I doubt any of you keyboard warriors that are making fun of him have the knowledge and education this man has --->> absolutely Not! Our PhDs, MBAs, Masters, Law Degrees from major universities in the West are worth nothing in comparison to what he got!!

                          6. The trust people had in him to give him billions of tomans to take back to kermanshah to help the victims ---- trust based on what?? This guy was attempting to procure jerseys for national team to make money? His doctorate degrees are in corruption and theft.

                          Bottom line, Khiabani is a disgrace! When IR is sent to garbage can of history (hopefully very soon) and our nation is free, then people like Khiabani (and that bacheh mozalefh Misaghi) must be kicked out of football forever with the biggest ORDANGI ever. ... BOOORO DIGEH INJA PAYDAT NASHEH!!

                          We Iranians, need to raise our bars. Enough of being content with lowest of the low and parsing it too! .. We see in our lives every day where the world is going and how much real knowledge is playing a role. People are asking and expecting more .. we seem to be content with Khiabani!! .. There is something wrong!
                          I've been thinking a lot about this whole mess. People like khiabani& co represent the average pragmatic Iranian, iranian mentality (as difficult as it may be to accept) more than our intellectuals or disconnected snob elite.

                          At the end of the day, whether it's IR regime, Pahlavi, Massih, we need to bring back meritocracy and decency.
                          Hiring the person you're having sex with, your friends, family or your religious pal is not helping.
                          Keep calm and believe in Fairies and Footballers Roxanaz


                            Originally posted by Ardalan View Post
                            In ham yek harfe manteghi ast.

                            Agar bekhaahim baraye har KHAAYEHMAALE Jomhoorie Eslaami yek mozo' baaz konim forume Persianfootbaal MONFAJER MISHE.

                            In mardak agar daare footbaal gozaaresh mide baraye ine ke yek chaaploose hezbollahi ast.

                            Agar na kaaresh KALLE PAACHE forookhtan bood.
                            Chaploosi and angar boodan is part of the post Cyrus gene. Any gov change and u will still have the same king's court with cast change.
                            Keep calm and believe in Fairies and Footballers Roxanaz


                              Originally posted by Roxanaz80 View Post
                              Chaploosi and angar boodan is part of the post Cyrus gene. Any gov change and u will still have the same king's court with cast change.
                              Dine zibaaye SHIE raa betoonim bendazim to ashghaal-dooni raahe farhang-saazi baaz mishe.

                              Dar in zaman o doran emkaanesh hast.
                              DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                                Again, only one of the IRIB commentators to actually go into the protests in 2009.

                                Yeah he makes alot of mistakes and says weird things, but at least he likes football and doesn't commentate like a zombie.

                                Out of all the people to hate in Iran, this guy is getting way too much of it.

