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Lebron drops one Legend's number and picks another one's!

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    Lebron drops one Legend's number and picks another one's!

    So out of "respect" ( ) for MJ, Lebron drops his number and picks the number of the ONLY player ever to get the nickname "Doctor" ( Julius Erving a.k.a Dr. J).

    LbJ just say it like it is: You want your jersey to pass Kobe as the highest selling jersey in the NBA. Enough with the BS excuses!
    ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
    midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

    "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
    Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden

    Stop hating and twisting anything the guy does or says into some evil shit. He is hands down the best basketball player on the planet.


      Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
      Stop hating and twisting anything the guy does or says into some evil shit. He is hands down the best basketball player on the planet.
      I am saying it the way it is!! He himself said that he wanted to be the first billionaire athlete. It is no secret masoud!

      So Lebron, Now that everyone knows this, just drop the BS and say it just like it is.

      He is hands down the best basketball player on the planet.
      You are funny Masoud!
      ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
      midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

      "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
      Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


        faghat kobe


          Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
          I am saying it the way it is!! He himself said that he wanted to be the first billionaire athlete. It is no secret masoud!

          So Lebron, Now that everyone knows this, just drop the BS and say it just like it is.

          You are funny Masoud!
          He is the best and he knows it, what else is there to say?


            Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
            He is the best and he knows it, what else is there to say?
            THis is one area I give Lebron all the props and credit and respect in the world that he NEVER claims or acts as the best bball player in the world cuz he KNOWS he is not there yet. damesh garm. At least he knows his limits unlike Paul pierce
            ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
            midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

            "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
            Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


              Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
              THis is one area I give Lebron all the props and credit and respect in the world that he NEVER claims or acts as the best bball player in the world cuz he KNOWS he is not there yet. damesh garm. At least he knows his limits unlike Paul pierce
              He knows it but he is humble enough not to voice it. still the fact remains that he is the best.


                Originally posted by Masoud_A View Post
                Stop hating and twisting anything the guy does or says into some evil shit. He is hands down the best basketball player on the planet.


                  hes not the best yet. mentally he's not a champion just yet. kobe is best right now followed by dwayne wade i think


                    Lol @ LeBronze trying to copy Kobe (as usual)

                    Kobe goes from 8 to 24.

                    LeBronze goes from 23 to 6.

                    See the resemblance?


                      i still can't believe this argument actually still occurs. Lebron james RIGHT NOW is the better basketball player. Kobe has a better resume and if both there careers ended right now kobe would be miles a head james in terms of respect. But right now Lebron james is a far better defender and passer. I'd say they tie in terms of scoring. And ektaban, please explain to me how in gods name you could say dwayne wade is better than lebron? Dwayne wade still makes rookie mistakes on defence. He gets caught out all the time and has no patience to guard anyone. To compare the two is insane in my opinion.

                      Overall the order of the NBA is:

                      1A) lebron
                      1B) Kobe


                      Everybody else
                      The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. ~Edward R. Murrow


                        Originally posted by mf_doom View Post
                        i still can't believe this argument actually still occurs. Lebron james RIGHT NOW is the better basketball player. Kobe has a better resume and if both there careers ended right now kobe would be miles a head james in terms of respect. But right now Lebron james is a far better defender and passer. I'd say they tie in terms of scoring. And ektaban, please explain to me how in gods name you could say dwayne wade is better than lebron? Dwayne wade still makes rookie mistakes on defence. He gets caught out all the time and has no patience to guard anyone. To compare the two is insane in my opinion.
                        Overall the order of the NBA is:
                        1A) lebron
                        1B) Kobe
                        Everybody else
                        Me neither! I can't believe some people think raw amazing "athlethisim" = great bball player. Most of the things Lebron is doing is becasue he is head and shoulder over everybody else when it comes to athletic ability. He is playing in full motion when everyone else is playing in slow motion. Once he loses that edge (same goes with dwade and it already has happened to AI) his game will diminish greatly. This is why MJ and KObe can play forever and sustain their numbers whille nobody else can do the same.

                        again, I still cant believe it!

                        KObe is the most fundamentally sound offensive player in the history of the league (yeah even better than MJ and many analysts are saying too) but defensively he trails MJ by landslide. Lebron is a couple of miles behind in both catagories but he will get up there is he keeps his focus
                        ----1990 TM, You will always have a special place in our hearts
                        midfield---namjoo motlagh---shahrokh bayani---cyrus ghayeghran---eftekhari---Abtahi

                        "Iranians are fiercely nationalistic", Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute
                        Sports doesn't build character. It reveals it - Legendary UCLA coach, John R Wooden


                          Originally posted by persianbruin View Post
                          Me neither! I can't believe some people think raw amazing "athlethisim" = great bball player. Most of the things Lebron is doing is becasue he is head and shoulder over everybody else when it comes to athletic ability. He is playing in full motion when everyone else is playing in slow motion. Once he loses that edge (same goes with dwade and it already has happened to AI) his game will diminish greatly. This is why MJ and KObe can play forever and sustain their numbers whille nobody else can do the same.

                          again, I still cant believe it!

                          KObe is the most fundamentally sound offensive player in the history of the league (yeah even better than MJ and many analysts are saying too) but defensively he trails MJ by landslide. Lebron is a couple of miles behind in both catagories but he will get up there is he keeps his focus
                          :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs:

                          yeah analysts like Mark Dumbass know nothing about basketball if u think that Kobe's fundamentals as an offensive player are better than MJ's, MJ came into the league with impeccable fundamentals on both side of the ball which explains how he put up 63 against the legendary Celtics and their HOF front line in only his 2nd season in the league. No player in the history of the game at the Guard position was close to MJ in terms of the plethora of offensive skills he had and it's proven by stats which are not subjective and don't lie.

                          The guy avg'd 40 against the Bad Boy Pistons in their prime, the best Celtic teams, the rough and borderline thuggish Knicks teams of the early 90's and the excellent Sonics and Jazz teams of the late 90's. There is not a single team in the NBA who could stop Jordan from getting 40-50 points on them on the biggest stage at will. Can you say that about Kobe Bryant? NO NO NO

                          He got stifled against a middle of the pack (in comparison to other Championship teams) Detroit team, despite having a dominant big man inside in Shaq who was putting up big numbers all series long. Tayshuan Prince by himself stopped Kobe in that series and don't even give me that BS about the pistons being a great defensive team, cause anyone who saw the Bad Boy Pistons teams of the late 80's would laugh at that very notion. Then he got smothered by another decent defensive team in Boston, who barely got out of the first round against the Hawks and who had trouble guarding Joe freaking Johnson on the perimeter, and yet Kobe Bryant laid some pretty big eggs on the biggest stage again, which ironically we never saw Jordan do in the Finals.

                          Sometimes you Lakers fans are so delusional in your grandiose statements that you can barely see your own nose protruding from your face. Jordan was unstoppable period end of the story, he could score on anyone, in any situation at any time, Kobe is only unstoppable every so often. That is proven out by their history in the game of basketball, not by what you broadly consider to be true based on your biased opinions. Go take a poll of every living NBA player, manager and coach, and they will say the same thing by an overwhelming margin. To think otherwise is downright foolish.


                            Originally posted by mf_doom View Post
                            i still can't believe this argument actually still occurs. Lebron james RIGHT NOW is the better basketball player. Kobe has a better resume and if both there careers ended right now kobe would be miles a head james in terms of respect. But right now Lebron james is a far better defender and passer. I'd say they tie in terms of scoring. And ektaban, please explain to me how in gods name you could say dwayne wade is better than lebron? Dwayne wade still makes rookie mistakes on defence. He gets caught out all the time and has no patience to guard anyone. To compare the two is insane in my opinion.

                            Overall the order of the NBA is:

                            1A) lebron
                            1B) Kobe


                            Everybody else
                            Thank you man. People think cause Kobe has more rings he is a better player, the thing is he plays in a much better team. He might not have those rings but he is the best basketball player right now.


                              Originally posted by EKBATAN View Post
                              hes not the best yet. mentally he's not a champion just yet. kobe is best right now followed by dwayne wade i think
                              Come on man Wade better than Lebron? Is this the new way to be the kewl kid? saying Lebron sux? lol

