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Why are people being SO stubborn?

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    Why are people being SO stubborn?


    I was a Branko supporter as well. But come on. Look at what he is doing to our team! The players don't care anymore. They know they don't have to even fight for a chance. What Bran*** has done, is that he's selected players, which they know themselves don't have to do SHIT, to get onto the first-team apart from just stay healthy. Look at Navidkia. Can you honestly say he should be above: Rajabzadeh, Mobali, Jabbari and Teymourian? The players for this reason are not playing as well as they should. Where is the competition between the players. For some reason the morale of the team has dropped a huge deal as well. Look at players like Daei, Kia, Hash and Zandi. Did they have the same look/fire in their eyes?

    So why does Branko always use the same players?

    Answer: God knows.

    Martin-Reza has explained that we need first-team practice. But as Doc. Doom has pointed out several times, how the hell can we tell who should even be in the first team or not. This also goes back to Branko's stubbornness which i mentioned, on how he selects the same players.

    So...why not? Why not try out these desprite players, who are willing to do anything for a shot!? Does Branko have a sixth sense, which alows him to see which players will do well and which won't. Well if he does, by all means lets keep him, because I don't know one coach that has never tryed out players to see how they will preform in their national teams.

    People might argue that, "...every team goes through these problems...". Well, yes they do. Karshenas had made a great point that teams like S.K and Saudi had even been through bad runs. But answer these questions to yourselves:
    1.) Did any of them manage to lose to MACEDONIA C TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
    2.) Which one of those teams DID NOT fire there coach in order to get back to form
    3.) Isn't TM supposed to be better than those teams?

    TM, can't afford to go through "THE STAGE" now, when the WC is sooo close!
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

    same thing with zandi and his dismal form nowadays.

    .... and yet, he is sure to start the TM games ....... even if he doesnt do ANYTHING worth writting or speaking of !!

    branko plays "names" ... not players in FORM !
    this, is a given and I think more and more ppl are waking up to this fact.

    I am not against branko, but his methods are a different deal.
    his methods leave a whole lot to be desired, and also leave a huge door open for criticism.

    and as long as he is this stubborn and laj-baaz to persist with failed ideas and failed experiments, he will continue to lose fans and supporters.

    I, like you, was a die hard fan, but lost it all during the last year.


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
      same thing with zandi and his dismal form nowadays.

      .... and yet, he is sure to start the TM games ....... even if he doesnt do ANYTHING worth writting or speaking of !!

      branko plays "names" ... not players in FORM !
      this, is a given and I think more and more ppl are waking up to this fact.

      I am not against branko, but his methods are a different deal.
      his methods leave a whole lot to be desired, and also leave a huge door open for criticism.

      and as long as he is this stubborn and laj-baaz to persist with failed ideas and failed experiments, he will continue to lose fans and supporters.

      I, like you, was a die hard fan, but lost it all during the last year.
      I have to admit, at first I thought you were just being way too critical on Branko. Even though I hated the fact that he didn't try new players or systems, I still felt that he was the man for the job. But gradualy, your theory proves to be more appropriate. And I think if people don't wake up and face reality, they will see your theory, and now mine and many others', to be correct.

      Unfortunatly, im affraid people want to see it to believe it, this will be way too late, and by that time, Branko will make our TM, the next Saudi Arabia of last years WC.

      PEOPLE, WAKE UP...
      We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


        Originally posted by Soaz...(Stoned)
        I have to admit, at first I thought you were just being way too critical on Branko. Even though I hated the fact that he didn't try new players or systems, I still felt that he was the man for the job. But gradualy, your theory proves to be more appropriate. And I think if people don't wake up and face reality, they will see your theory, and now mine and many others', to be correct.
        Unfortunatly, im affraid people want to see it to believe it, this will be way too late, and by that time, Branko will make our TM, the next Saudi Arabia of last years WC.
        PEOPLE, WAKE UP...
        you might be right!
        Faghat signatureto yekami avaz kon


          Our first 11 are less motivated now. Its nothing extraordinary about it.And has nothing to do with their gaurenteed place in TM.Playing in World Cup is still a dream for every player, no matter how many times they played in World Cup.

          When the occasion comes to put more into it, or the most, they will do that.This for now is just aramesh ghabl az toofan.

          Listen to what Human jaan said.He confirms this. Listen to people who are next to TM, in just a few feet.Dont judge what you see from thousands of miles distance.
          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


            Originally posted by smanhoobi
            Our first 11 are less motivated now. Its nothing extraordinary about it.And has nothing to do with their gaurenteed place in TM.Playing in World Cup is still a dream for every player, no matter how many times they played in World Cup.
            When the occasion comes to put more into it, or the most, they will do that.This for now is just aramesh ghabl az toofan.
            Listen to what Human jaan said.He confirms this. Listen to people who are next to TM, in just a few feet.Dont judge what you see from thousands of miles distance.
            Well said... I agree. Guys c'mon, Branko is doing his best to make his final eleven... and who said he does not check younger players... check the 2nd half of every match..he brings in younger players and pulls out his main players.. Even Japan and Korea r using their 1st eleven in almost every friendly match.
            They r less motivated as Smanhoobi jan said.... they just dont play as aggressive as they r supposed to be like the qualification rounds + maybe trying to avoid injuries... I personally and on behalf of those people who agree with me and my points can say that... Iran will play its full potential in world cup and Branko is the right man to bring us the success we have lacked to achieve so far...
            My advice to people who dont agree: Please dont try to destroy the team that was built by Branko and has brought us joy with their unpredicted glories in recent years.. TM's success is not only in Branko's hands.. Its in our hands .. If u want to destroy it.. then go search for a job in 'Keyhan Varzeshi' they may need ur valuable points to fill their blank stupid useless pages...


              Originally posted by karimi_jaadogar
              Well said... I agree. Guys c'mon, Branko is doing his best to make his final eleven... and who said he does not check younger players... check the 2nd half of every match..he brings in younger players and pulls out his main players.. Even Japan and Korea r using their 1st eleven in almost every friendly match.
              They r less motivated as Smanhoobi jan said.... they just dont play as aggressive as they r supposed to be like the qualification rounds + maybe trying to avoid injuries... I personally and on behalf of those people who agree with me and my points can say that... Iran will play its full potential in world cup and Branko is the right man to bring us the success we have lacked to achieve so far...
              My advice to people who dont agree: Please dont try to destroy the team that was built by Branko and has brought us joy with their unpredicted glories in recent years.. TM's success is not only in Branko's hands.. Its in our hands .. If u want to destroy it.. then go search for a job in 'Keyhan Varzeshi' they may need ur valuable points to fill their blank stupid useless pages...
              First of all, don't go on for yourself and say that I want to "DESTROY" TM!!!

              What are you saying my friend. This is my point of view, and no one is changing it. Why are you so narrow minded. You are making it sound as if I am looking only to destroy TM. Are you so narrow minded to think that just because I have a difference in opinion, that I am only looking forward to negative things happening to TM!?

              And it was a real joy to know that are first team has the potential of losing to
              MACEDONIA C!!!!
              and barely beat panama and bosnia

              And we're looking forward to being a "force to rekon with...:bs: " in the WC.
              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                soheil jan, the lack of motivation is most apparent in many cases of first team players.
                I agree any player will be motivated to "PLAY IN THE WC"... but that is NOT what we are saying.
                we all are sure ANY player is hyped up and raring to go , but we are bothered about the complacency that has already set in, taken root and is creeping further inside, that has led to many main team players lose form, or get complacent.

                for example ( and I wont even bring the most obvious cases such as nosrati, mirza, zareh, ... ) zandi.
                is he what he was when he joined our team ?
                when he used to play verey well, but get subbed out at min 60 ?

                now it is exactly opposite.
                he plays poorly, and stays till the end !!!

                what is this strategy?
                who is it benefitting?
                certainly NOT the team.
                so if it doesnt benefit the team, no matter who benefits, ppl like me will criticise and bring up the issue.

                on another hand, branko has wasted many opportunities to find out who would /should take the main team players' role if anything ( like loss of form ) happens at the most unfortunate time.
                these friendlies hat many tout, were NOT used fully to find our weaknesses and repair them.
                they were aimed at "winning" to reinforce branko's position.
                a look at the line ups shd convince many.
                throughout, we witnessed repeated weaknesses and failures, going UN-ATTENDED & UN-ADDRESSED !

                why stay quiet at the face of this ?

                also, that toofan, may blow from ANY direction.
                yes, this may be the calm before the storm, but can anyone guarantee that storm is going to be along our direction and not against it ?

                if last year is any indication of what we shd see after 7 months, then borther, I am extremely worried and afraid !
                we'll be FACING that storm with a sub-par , thin jacket with not enough padding, which is good only for early fall weather and maybe light asian showers ...... ONLY!!

                would you go to a storm-watch expedition ( along with the best pro's in the world , geared to the hilt , with top-flight gear & outfits ) with a light, thin cheap jacket ?


                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM
                  soheil jan, the lack of motivation is most apparent in many cases of first team players.
                  I agree any player will be motivated to "PLAY IN THE WC"... but that is NOT what we are saying.
                  we all are sure ANY player is hyped up and raring to go , but we are bothered about the complacency that has already set in, taken root and is creeping further inside, that has led to many main team players lose form, or get complacent.
                  for example ( and I wont even bring the most obvious cases such as nosrati, mirza, zareh, ... ) zandi.
                  is he what he was when he joined our team ?
                  when he used to play verey well, but get subbed out at min 60 ?
                  now it is exactly opposite.
                  he plays poorly, and stays till the end !!!
                  what is this strategy?
                  who is it benefitting?
                  certainly NOT the team.
                  so if it doesnt benefit the team, no matter who benefits, ppl like me will criticise and bring up the issue.
                  also, that toofan, may blow from ANY direction.
                  yes, this may be the calm before the storm, but can anyone guarantee that storm is going to be along our direction and not against it ?
                  if last year is any indication of what we shd see after 7 months, then borther, I am extremely worried and afraid !

                  I just can't believe no one else is sayig this. Nevertheless well said.

                  BTW, my name is Soheil as well.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                    <===== this is kind of quirky

                    do you guys realise that IFF cannot afford to sack Branko and bring in a better foreign coach? pay him and pay the new coach

                    do you think that with AN as prez, a change of TM coach means a better foreign coach?

                    do you really want Branko to leave and be replaced with one of our very own internationally acclaimed vatani coaches?

                    come on now use your brain
                    هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                    نگاه میکنید.
                    I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                      The point is, and this is not meant as insult to anyone, that 99% of the problems we see, solutions we present or explanations we have are crap from professional point of view. They are amateurish, one-dimensional, based on emotions and lacking knowledge and information compared to the decision makers.

                      So unsurprisingly the way we experience TM is totally different than the decision makers do. This is normal.

                      What's not normal is that so many people believe their subjective opinion really reflects the truth. Compared to other international forums it is much worse in Iranian forums. When in German Forums people come trying to dictate the coach a lineup, they are laughed at and mostly banned quicker for this than for using foul language. It's seen as spam.

                      When I look at PFDC forums (and other Iranian forums where it's even worse), I see people indeed jumping to quick conclusions like "Daei sucks and this is not an opinion but an obvious fact". It is not. It is a logical conclusion for some fans, but the moment you make it a fact, you start getting away from reality and then of course fail to understand the coach. This happens in many aspects: "teamwork", "gameplan", "Nosrati", "System", just to name a few key words. People draw quick conclusions on lacking knowledge and information and then start having problems with decisions by decision makers.


                        <===== this is kind of quirky

                        Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                        The point is, and this is not meant as insult to anyone, that 99% of the problems we see, solutions we present or explanations we have are crap from professional point of view. They are amateurish, one-dimensional, based on emotions and lacking knowledge and information compared to the decision makers.
                        So unsurprisingly the way we experience TM is totally different than the decision makers do. This is normal.
                        What's not normal is that so many people believe their subjective opinion really reflects the truth. Compared to other international forums it is much worse in Iranian forums. When in German Forums people come trying to dictate the coach a lineup, they are laughed at and mostly banned quicker for this than for using foul language. It's seen as spam.
                        When I look at PFDC forums (and other Iranian forums where it's even worse), I see people indeed jumping to quick conclusions like "Daei sucks and this is not an opinion but an obvious fact". It is not. It is a logical conclusion for some fans, but the moment you make it a fact, you start getting away from reality and then of course fail to understand the coach. This happens in many aspects: "teamwork", "gameplan", "Nosrati", "System", just to name a few key words. People draw quick conclusions on lacking knowledge and information and then start having problems with decisions by decision makers.
                        TRUE MARTIN JAN, VERY TRUE
                        هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                        نگاه میکنید.
                        I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                          In terms of Zandi - i still love the way he plays, and would MUCH rather have a Zandi at 60% than a Manei or Nikbakht at 100%, much like Karimi during WCQ - i'd much rather have that Karimi than a Mobali at 100%. I don't know why people say he's been poor lately - i mean, if i recall correctly, he played well in the South Korea match, and wasn't dreadful or anything in the other 2. Just because he's a one touch kinda guy and doesn't try and beat 3 guys for us to clap our hands (*cough cough, Nikki) doesn't mean he's "ineffective".

                          About the stubborness, MR jan - you can say whatever you wish about us having amateur views and this and that, but the fact still stands that he's stubborn. Please advise us on what CHANGES have been made to the squad since qualifying or what tests have been acheived or what positives we've gained from the friendlies?

                          Have we found a better left-back...? (whoaaah now - Amirabadi! long was he tested?)

                          A constant 2nd keeper...?

                          Can we shift formations depending on our opponent? (ex - instead of a 4-2-3-1 against the korean 3-back, i think we could have exposed the wings playing a 4-4-2 - but im no coach, i know. It's just my opinion, nothing more)

                          On the Daei issue MR jan - quite simply, he should be a sub. I don't care if i'm a fan or this or that, i wish to see him on the bench in the WC. Everytime we use Borhani and Hashemian, our game gets faster, and we get stronger. There are other ways that Daei can contribute to the success of our team, other than losing countless balls in the middle. <--- that is a fact - i know ur a fan of them.

                          All in all, once the next squad list is released, i will know once and for all where we stand as a team. If Amirabadi is not there, i will be HIGHLY disapointed, because then what is the basis for choosing a TM player? He came in, did well, provided us with some openings up front, and covered his defensive duties well. If he doesn't get called up, that's just about it. the first real positive test out of all these friendlies, and the first real sign that Branko is open to new ideas.
                          We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                            Originally posted by faraz
                            Have we found a better left-back...? (whoaaah now -
                            Faraz jan, wow can you find something that is not existing? For me this is so obvious, yet many refuse to accept what I believe is the bitter truth, which is that we don't have a neverending reservoir of great players, but that we don't have great players for every position - such as leftback. You can believe me or not, you don't have to since my opinion is not worth more than yours, but if the coach is sticking with a non-perfect leftback, you have the choice between thinking he is a moron and doesn't want success or maybe that Nosrati and Zare undoubtedly are the one-eyed among the blind for leftback. First solution is simply unrealistic to me, so even if the second one hurts, I cannot do anything but see it as the logical explanation for Ivankovic's actions.

                            Originally posted by faraz
                            On the Daei issue MR jan - quite simply, he should be a sub. I don't care if i'm a fan or this or that, i wish to see him on the bench in the WC.
                            You are entitled to your opinion and I have no objections against it. Just as soon as someone labels the (undoubtedly more qualified) coach as idiot for not sharing his opinion, he reveals himself as not very intelligent human being himself.

                            I think people need to be much more humble and respectful towards more qualified people who have different ideas.
                            Last edited by Martin-Reza; 11-21-2005, 11:43 AM.


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza
                              Faraz jan, wow can you find something that is not existing? For me this is so obvious, yet many refuse to accept what I believe is the bitter truth, which is that we don't have a neverending reservoir of great players
                              and yet...amirabadi worked just fine back least that is my opinion, and i do believe it is your's as well, having read your posts regarding the issue.

                              I do agree with the rest.
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

