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    Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
    I know. In Farsi it is called "daste pish migiri ke pas nayofti ". You know this whole situation will highlight the hypocrisy of you lot but with a statement like "plastic fans" or "Ghashi" you want to change the conversation. God forbid you have to admit on the Internet that you might have been wrong. It is much easier to question our love for our nation and accuse us for being happy that our TM Omid lost.
    Never mind that child, aziz. Just an immature, know-nothing troll. There is only 4 or 5 of these basement critics here. One is a guy who is the only person outside of Mayeli's family to want him to lead Team Melli, the other thinks Iran is managed like Switzerland, and then there's this child whose entire contribution amounts to "lol park the bus trololol". These three need a manual to tie their own shoes.


      Originally posted by xerexes View Post
      Never mind that child, aziz. Just an immature, know-nothing troll. There is only 4 or 5 of these basement critics here. One is a guy who is the only person outside of Mayeli's family to want him to lead Team Melli, the other thinks Iran is managed like Switzerland, and then there's this child whose entire contribution amounts to "lol park the bus trololol". These three need a manual to tie their own shoes.
      hehe to dige chi migi? You're a nobody as much as anyone else and unfortunately your opinion is not worth more than anyone. So sit back and listen to all the different arguments, whether you define the concerned people as troll, dumb or intelligent. I am a troll to you and you are a troll to me as well, I am still waiting for the day that you contribute more than classifying people into categories and calling them "Xbox experts" and "playstation analysts"

      The day that yourself will decide be mature, we will all join you, "xerexes"


        Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
        hehe to dige chi migi? You're a nobody as much as anyone else and unfortunately your opinion is not worth more than anyone. So sit back and listen to all the different arguments, whether you define the concerned people as troll, dumb or intelligent. I am a troll to you and you are a troll to me as well, I am still waiting for the day that you contribute more than classifying people in categories and calling them "Xbox experts" and "playstation analysts"

        The day that yourself will decide be mature, we will all join you, "xerexes"
        Haven't you been the one who has spent the last few weeks judging people's support of Team Melli and classifying them as 'plastic fans'?


          Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
          Haven't you been the one who has spent the last few weeks judging people's support of Team Melli and classifying them as 'plastic fans'?
          But but but... He can't possibly judge himself before judging others

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          Team faghat PERSPOLIS


            Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
            Haven't you been the one who has spent the last few weeks judging people's support of Team Melli and classifying them as 'plastic fans'?
            That's me. Fans entirely made out of plastic, and I will make a post with a compilation of quotes on anyone's demand if it entertains you.


              Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
              So sit back and listen to all the different arguments...
              You don't have arguments little one. When I call somebody a 'PS expert' I give reasons why I discount his opinion. I make sure to show why their argument makes no sense. Most of your dumb posts are the same "lol i troll u" nonsense written by an obnoxious spoiled adolescent. Now come back with another "lol park the bus!!" like the super-serious thoughtful person that you are Go ahead kiddo.


                Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                You don't have arguments little one. When I call somebody a 'PS expert' I give reasons why I discount his opinion. I make sure to show why their argument makes no sense. Most of your dumb posts are the same "lol i troll u" nonsense written by an obnoxious spoiled adolescent. Now come back with another "lol park the bus!!" like the super-serious thoughtful person that you are Go ahead kiddo.
                Beshin sareh jaat and enjoy my posts "xerexes" any one of them would make more sense that your PS expert paragraphs


                  Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                  Beshin sareh jaat and enjoy my posts "xerexes" any one of them would make more sense that your PS expert paragraphs
                  Like I said Just a spoiled little kid.


                    Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
                    He is right on this one. No source needed. Everyone knows this is true. Except you I guess
                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Yes, everyone knows that Asadi was appointed by Goudarzi just to give CQ a hard time. In fact, the whole IR mafia system for the past three decades was set up in advance just to get rid of CQ and everyone knows that except me.

                    Azeez, this system has been in place for more than three decades and the entire pyramid is designed around who you know and how well you serve the person above you If you overstep your boundaries or step on too many toes, you'll be lucky not to end up in jail - never mind getting a little heat for it.

                    None of this has anything to do with CQ. Kaffashian ultimately works for the Sports Ministry and they did not have the best relationship - the fact that CQ constantly brought lack of funds to everyone's attention, pushed the sarbazi issue and was becoming an icon certainly did not help matters. So to keep his job and to suck up to Goudarzi, IFF made Nabi the sacrificial lamb and brought in someone more friendly to the Sports Ministry.

                    All of this suggests not only that there is a clear chain of command, but that everyone is well aware of it and willing to work within it to keep their jobs. And everyone is constantly evaluated on how well they are serving the system and if they don't, they're gone. What part of this is a "western concept"?!


                      Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                      Like I said Just a spoiled little kid.
                      Come on guys we don't need to go there. both of you learn to agree that disagree with each other. Simple as that. The emotions now is high, I think is better to take a walk, listen to music and do something constructive. Putting your emotion in to your comment and arguing with your fellow countrymen and bashing other fans as plastic or whatever is not gonna help you to feel better.


                        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                        Yes, everyone knows that Asadi was appointed by Goudarzi just to give CQ a hard time! In fact, the whole IR mafia system for the past three decades was set up in advance just to get rid of CQ and everyone knows that except me!

                        Azeez, this system has been in place for more than three decades and the entire pyramid is designed around who you know and how well you serve the person above you If you overstep your boundaries or step on too many toes, you'll be lucky not to end up in jail - never mind getting a little heat for it.

                        None of this has anything to do with CQ. Kaffashian ultimately works for the Sports Ministry and they did not have the best relationship - the fact that CQ constantly brought lack of funds to everyone's attention, pushed the sarbazi issue and was becoming an icon certainly did not help matters. So to keep his job and to suck up to Goudarzi, IFF made Nabi the sacrificial lamb and brought in someone more friendly to the Sports Ministry.

                        All of this suggests not only that there is a clear chain of command, but that everyone is well aware of it and willing to work within it to keep their jobs. And everyone is constantly evaluated on how well they are serving the system and if they don't, they're gone. What part of this is a "western concept"?!!!
                        I respect and agree with you with some points you brought up.

                        The mafia running the show in IR does not evaluate who help the team or was better for our football but only who secured their interest most even if that is in opposite of people and football fans.

                        I am also tired of some Iranians residing in Iran keep barking you diaspora and who leaves outside don't know anything about Iran or football inside Iran and brand us bunch of misinformed westerners while if we have to compare we have seen inside and outside Iran so rationally our view toward football should be broader and more collective since we are not limited to watch, practice, or follow a certain ideology in football. They make it like if we puffed up from thin air in west and has nothing to do with Iran. This is just pure BS and negative thinking that IR is trying to push in their brains. Distrusting their fellow countrymen who are far from grasp of Tyrannical regime and can bring modern and new ideas to the rest of the society. IR is extremely paranoid and against anything from outside Iran and they block anything opposite to their ways. Diaspora is a threat for them, so why not making us look like unrelated, distant, and misinformed fools who are out of touch with today Iranian society!? They are pushing this agenda for some years and you see the effects on some of our countrymen here...(if they are not already in cahoot with IR or being on their payroll)


                          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                          Azeez, this system has been in place for more than three decades and the entire pyramid is designed around who you know and how well you serve the person above you If you overstep your boundaries or step on too many toes, you'll be lucky not to end up in jail - never mind getting a little heat for it.

                          None of this has anything to do with CQ.
                          Right Somehow the headcoach of the national team is exempt from that corrupt despotic system that you just pretended to know about. Apparently he gets to work outside that broken mismanaged system in a parallel reality where there are 'performance evaluations' and rational decision making.

                          So to keep his job and to suck up to Goudarzi, IFF made Nabi the sacrificial lamb and brought in someone more friendly to the Sports Ministry.
                          But I thought you said earlier Asadi had nothing to do with Goodarzi and the idea that Nabi was fired to appease him was based on talking out of one's ass! What changed all the sudden?

                          All of this suggests not only that there is a clear chain of command, but that everyone is well aware of it and willing to work within it to keep their jobs. And everyone is constantly evaluated on how well they are serving the system and if they don't, they're gone. What part of this is a "western concept"?!!!
                          The "western concept" is brought into it by the guy who keeps babbling about performance evaluations like he thinks those people's problems with CQ had anything to do with that. "Serving the system" in that country means serving ideology as well as the ego and interests of whoever is running the ministry at the moment. In a system where the sports minister blocks the funds to pay the coaching staff and even refuses to pay for the training pitch to get repaired, just to give the finger to the coach, the last thing that matters is objectivity and national interests. hala hey zoor bezan ensha benevis.


                            Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                            Diaspora is a threat for them, so why not making us look like unrelated, distant, and misinformed fools who are out of touch with today Iranian society!?
                            The ones who are misinformed and playing into IR's hands are the ones who act like this system manages our football with actual good will and objective long-term planning. Not those of us who point out what a corrupt and backward structure we're dealing with.

                            Edit to add: One last general post before I log off for the night. To see why I talk about certain people the way I do, notice how Bi-Honar first pretends it's baseless to say Asadi was brought in and Nabi was fired to appease Goodarzi, then when he gets pushback from me and another member, he comes back and acts like he knew and it was part of his own argument all along Pathetic. The intellectual dishonesty would be hilarious if it wasn't so hideous.


                              Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                              Right Somehow the headcoach of the national team is exempt from that corrupt despotic system that you just pretended to know about. Apparently he gets to work outside that broken mismanaged system in a parallel reality where there are 'performance evaluations' and rational decision making.
                              You obviously didn't understand one word that I said because you're paraphrasing what I've said but supposedly disagreeing with it in your typical react first think second attitude.

                              Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                              But I thought you said earlier Asadi had nothing to do with Goodarzi and the idea that Nabi was fired to appease him was based on talking out of one's ass! What changed all the sudden?
                              I said no such thing. You said Asadi was put there by Goudarzi to exert pressure on CQ. I told you that he was elected by the IFF board, not appointed by Goudarzi. You changed your tune in a later post that he was put there to appease Goudarzi, which is a completely different reason than what you said originally. I did/do not disagree with the latter. If there's any intellectual dishonesty here, it's from you.

                              Originally posted by xerexes View Post
                              The "western concept" is brought into it by the guy who keeps babbling about performance evaluations like he thinks those people's problems with CQ had anything to do with that. "Serving the system" in that country means serving ideology as well as the ego and interests of whoever is running the ministry at the moment. In a system where the sports minister blocks the funds to pay the coaching staff and even refuses to pay for the training pitch to get repaired, just to give the finger to the coach, the last thing that matters is objectivity and national interests. hala hey zoor bezan ensha benevis.
                              You're obviously hearing voices in your head because I've never mentioned the phrase "national interests" or the word "objectivity" in relation to a performance evaluation.

                              Again, if you really are concerned about intellectual honesty, you may want to clean house first and stop constantly putting words in people's mouths, just to create conflicts on this forum.


                                Guys be aware some certain people here are suck puppet of non-Iranians and so happy of our grieves be careful specially of those IDs who joined in past two years!

                                A big sign for recognizing them is that they double talk and has less national tendency compared to average Iranian fans. Another way to fake your nationality is to have big nationalistic slogans or sign to cover your agenda. Be aware of those certain individual. In fact start talking Persian with them to see if they can speak our language or not. That why we can recognize some of them here. As you know many Arabs are watching this forum and quote from it. Now, just watching the board is no problem but some join as suck puppet and instill their negativity to stirs thing up. Just watch for those individuals.

                                Unfortunately I have seen some Afghanis doing this faking as being Iranians and writing in Persians to say like we Iranians are racists and treating other bla bla but when you check their youtube or google account you see their are Afghanis. Really disturbing. Some Iranians believe them and start self hating or bashing us for something that we have not even committed! Like saying we are snubs because we won the match 6-0 against them or calling Azmoun as an idiot because he showed the sign of being silent with his hand!

                                Be Aware

                                We have so many haters!

